Good morning. It's Sunday the 21st of April and here is the GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the RSGB and intended for all radio amateurs and short-wave listeners. The Annual General Meeting of the Worked All Britain Awards Group will be held at the Drayton Manor Rally on the 12th of May. WAB members wishing to make nominations for the committee or proposals for the agenda may request the appropriate forms from G1NUS, whose address is correct in the RSGB Call Book. The forms must be returned by the 27th of April. The Morse Enthusiasts Group Scotland, "MEGS", will be holding a Samuel Morse birthday party on Saturday the 27th of April. A special event station will use the callsigns GB4SAM and GM0RSE, and will be active, using CW of course, on 20, 40 and 80 metres. The location is the Auchengillan Scout Camp near Drymen, just north of Glasgow. Visitors are very welcome and talk-in will be provided on 2 metres channel S22. Today, the 21st of April, sees the worldwide launch of 'Project Argus', a full-sky survey organised by SETI, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. Radio amateurs, microwave enthusiasts and amateur radio-astronomers are switching on their radio telescopes for the largest and longest search yet of the skies for intelligent life. To mark the occasion, the SETI League in New Jersey is operating special event station WA2IKL for one day only from 1600UTC today. For more information on SETI, see the December 95 RadCom, or write to the UK coordinators G0ECP or G4KIR, enclosing a large SAE. Both addresses are correct in the RSGB Call Book. Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet, which is edited by Chris Page, G4BUE: >From Cocos Island, a Japanese and Costa Rican group will sign TI9X on HF and TE9RLI on satellite from the 26th of April until the 4th of May. Look for them on CW and SSB on all bands 160 to 10 metres, and QSL to JH1NBN. >From Jan Mayen island, LA7DFA was planning to sign JX7DFA from the 13th of April until October this year. Look for him on RTTY and on 160 metres, and QSL to LA7DFA. And from New Caledonia, F6EYG is active as FK8DH from now until the 4th of May. Next the Rally News: The White Rose Amateur Radio Society Rally takes place at Leeds University Conference Centre today, Sunday the 21st of April. The event features an RSGB bookstall and membership information stand and Morse tests on demand. Doors open at 11.00am or 10.15am for disabled visitors. Also today, the 21st, the Microwave Round Table takes place at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Chilton, near Didcot, Oxfordshire. The event features comprehensive test equipment to 24 GHz and above, lectures, a discussion meeting, and a bring and buy stand. Doors open at 10.00am. The Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club rally takes place in the Killyhelvin Hotel in Enniskillen on Sunday the 21st. Doors open at 12 noon. The Dunkerque Rally takes place in the Kursaal, Dunkerque, on Sunday the 21st. The location is convenient for visitors from France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, and is easily accessible by car from Calais. The event features many UK and European dealers. Doors open at 10.00am. Next Saturday, the 27th of April, the Greater Scout Group and West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society Rally takes place at the Auchengillan Scout Camp on the A809 Glasgow to Drymen road. Talk-in will be on 2 metres channel S22. For further details call 0141 634 4567. Also on Saturday the 27th, the Isle of Wight Wireless Museum will be celebrating Marconi's birthday with a special exhibition of early Marconi equipment. Special event station GB3WM will also be on the air. The location is Puckpool Park, Seaview, on the Isle of Wight, and doors open at 10.00am. Further details from Douglas Byrne, G3KPO, on 01983 567665. Next Sunday, the 28th of April, the Marske-by-the-Sea radio rally takes place at the Marske Leisure Centre, in the High Street in Marske-by-the-Sea, near Redcar. The event features the usual traders and a bring and buy stand. Doors open at 11.00am and further details may be obtained from Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475671. The BATC Rally takes place at the Sports Connexion in Coventry next Sunday the 28th. The event features outside broadcast TV displays, traders and a bring and buy stand. Doors open at 10.00am, or 9.30am for disabled visitors. For further details call Mike, G6IQM, on 01788 890365. The Prestige Events Computer Fair takes place next Sunday, the 28th, at Burgess Hall, St Ivo Centre, St Ives, in Cambridgeshire, with doors opening at 10.00am. For further details, call 01767 682822. The Bletchley 10 GHz amateur TV repeater, GB3TG, which operates on channel RT10-3, returned to service earlier this month. It had been off the air since September due to refurbishment work at the repeater site. Now for the HF contest news: The RSGB Low Power Fixed Station contest is taking place on 80 and 40 metres today, Sunday, the 21st, from 0700 to 1100 UTC. The rules are in last September's RadCom. The Holyland DX CW and SSB Contest is taking place this weekend, the 20th and 21st of April. Brief rules are on page 21 of the April RadCom. The fourth of five sessions in the RSGB Slow Speed Cumulative Contest takes place on Thursday evening, the 25th of April, from 1900 until 2030 UTC. Send CW no faster than 12 words per minute - and never faster than the other station is sending - between 3540 and 3580 kHz. Novices are particularly encouraged to take part. The rules are in September's RadCom. Next weekend, the 27th and 28th of April, the Helvetia Contest takes place from 1300 UTC Saturday for 24 hours. Operation is on both CW and SSB and brief rules are on page 21 of the April RadCom. And we have no information on any VHF contests either this or next weekend. The solar factual data, as broadcast on GB2RS, will be in slightly abbreviated form starting this week. The complete data will still be available on the UK packet network. For those who require the complete data, but have no access to packet, Neil Clarke, G0CAS, who compiles the data for GB2RS, has kindly agreed to provide the information on an individual basis. And now the solar factual data for the period from the 8th to the 14th of April: Solar flux levels remained steady and averaged 69 units. This is the first weekly average below 70 since the last minimum in 1986. The 90-day solar flux average on the 14th was 71 units. The X-Ray flux remained at A1 units. Geomagnetic activity increased from "quiet" levels on the 8th, with an Ap index of 4 units, to "active" levels by the 12th and 14th, with an Ap of 24 and 27 units respectively. The average was Ap 13 units. No aa indices data were received from the British Geological Survey. Now the ionospheric data as recorded in Central France. The period from the 5th to the 11th of April saw the F2 daytime critical frequency increase from 5.6MHz on the 5th to 7.5MHz by the 10th, but then collapse to 5.7MHz the following day. The average for the period was 6.4MHz. The darkness hour lows also increased, and peaked at 3.1MHz on the 8th, declining to 2.3MHz on the 10th. The average was 2.7MHz. The daytime highs took place between 1600 and 1900 hours every day except on the 11th, when they were at 1100 hours. The darkness hour lows took place between 0400 and 0500 hours. And lastly the solar forecast. This week the slightly more active side of the sun will be rotating away, so solar activity is expected to remain at very low levels. The solar flux is expected to decline to the high 60s. Geomagnetic activity is expected to decline from "unsettled" levels to "quiet" levels from midweek onwards. Ionospheric MUFs during daylight hours are expected to be about 17MHz for the south and 15MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows are expected to be about 11MHz. The peak of the April Lyrid meteor shower is expected to take place today and tomorrow. And that's the end of the solar information. Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns allocated were in the M0 Alfa Bravo and M1 Alfa Alfa series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alfa Oscar and 2 1 Echo Whiskey series. Next, the local news. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST Meeting for Monday the 22nd of April: Brickfields Amateur Radio Society has a fund raising 'sale and auction evening'. Unfortunately, we were not given a contact number. Meetings for Tuesday the 23rd of April: Dorking and District Radio Society meets to discuss the requested change to the club's Rule 13. For further details contact John, G3AEZ on 01306 631236. Home Counties ATV Club meets to take a look at some new software. For further details contact John, G8MNY on 0181 688 3089. Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk on 'the History of Public and Domestic Electricity Supplies' by Dr Mike Pope. Details from Stuart, G0FYX on 01705 472846. Verulam Amateur Radio Club gathers for a talk on 'the Present CB Scene' by Ray, G7SWY. For details contact Walter, G3PMF on 01923 262180. Waterside Amateur Radio Society has its annual general meeting. Contact Bill, G0XAZ, on 01703 783170 at the weekend or in the evening for details. Meetings for Wednesday the 24th of April: Cheshunt and District Amateur Radio Club has a construction contest. For more details telephone 0181 366 0157. Darenth Valley Radio Society has a junk sale. Telephone 01689 826846 for more details. Fareham and District Amateur Radio Club has a 10 minute talk on valves by Derrick, G0RKK followed by an on-the-air evening. Contact Andrew, G0AMS on 01329 235397 for more details. Farnborough and District Radio Society meets for a talk by Bob, G4JFN entitled 'QSLing'. More details from Andy, G4XYW on 01344 761184. Newbury and District Amateur Radio Society has its Annual General Meeting. Telephone 01635 863310 for further details. Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club gathers for a talk entitled 'EMC Directives' by Jim, G4XRU. For details telephone 01903 753893. Meetings for Thursday the 25th of April: Crowborough Amateur Radio Society has its annual surplus equipment sale. Contact Pauline, G7SPT on 01892 653782 for further details. Echelford Amateur Radio Society has a contest forum. For details telephone 01344 843472. Edgware and District Amateur Radio Society gathers for a talk entitled 'Howard's Caribbean Cruise' by Howard, G4HMD. For further details contact Stephen, G0PQB on 0181 953 2164. Hoddesdon Radio Club gathers for a talk entitled 'Packet and the World' by John, G4VMR. Details from Don, G3JNJ on 0181 292 3678. Reading and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk by G3BGL on 'Having Fun with Oscilloscopes'. For details call Peter, G0PUB on 01734 617388. Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Auto Weather Stations' by Steve Tearle. More details from Paul, G1GSN on 01462 700618. Southgate Amateur Radio Club has an on-the-air evening. Contact Michael, G0ANN on 01707 850146 for more details. Three Counties Amateur Radio Club has its Annual General Meeting. Telephone 01428 606298 for more details. Meetings for Friday the 26th of April: Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association meets for a talk by Dick, G3WLM entitled 'New Old Use of Heat'. Call 01242 242336 for further information. Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'the Listening Magazine' by Dick, G8VFH. More details from Sheila, G0VNI on 01703 813827. Medway Amateur Receiving and Transmitting Society meets for 'Knots and Splices' by Jim, G0HHQ. Telephone 01634 710023 for more details. Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society has an on-the-air evening. For details telephone 01444 241 407. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH WEST Meeting for Sunday the 21st of April: Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk on 'Running a Special Event Station'. Telephone 01425 653404 for more details. Meeting for Monday the 22nd of April: Portland Amateur Radio Club has a combined meeting with the Portland Island Computer Club. More details from Dave, G1OCN on 01305 823373. Meetings for Tuesday the 23rd of April: Blackmore Vale Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk on the 23cm band by G8NEY. Contact Stuart, G7JIF on 01747 838554 for more details. Plymouth Radio Club has an ATV presentation by Trev, G3ZYY and Tony, G8CEQ. For further details contact John, G7HIK on 01752 896501. Salisbury Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk on 'DF Aerials and Construction' by G4ZUP. For details telephone 01722 329398. Meeting for Wednesday the 24th of April: South Bristol Amateur Radio Club gathers for a talk entitled 'History of WD and HO Wills - continued'. For further details telephone 01275 834282. Meeting for Thursday the 25th of April: Yeovil Amateur Radio Club has an on-the-air evening. For details contact Cedric, G4JBL on 01258 473845. NEWS FOR EAST ANGLIA Meeting for Wednesday the 24th of April: Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has an on-the-air evening. Telephone 01603 789792 for more information. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS Meetings for Monday the 22nd of April: Leicester Radio Society has an on-the-air evening. Telephone 0116 291 7250 for more details. Stratford upon Avon and District Radio Society gathers for a talk entitled 'the First Century of Sound Recording' by Brian, G8VXQ. For further information telephone 01789 773286. Meetings for Tuesday the 23rd of April: Bromsgrove Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk on the DX Cluster. Details from Barry, G0TPG on 01527 542266. Buxton Radio Amateurs meets for a talk on IOTA by Ken, G3OCA. For details contact Derek, G4IHO on 01298 25506. Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club has a DF competition. For further details contact Alan, G0PHT on 01509 231289. Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society gathers for a talk entitled 'Aurora' by Bob, G4GEE. Contact G8HRI on 01926 424465 for more details. Meetings for Wednesday the 24th of April: Derby and District Amateur Radio Society has a practical demonstration entitled 'Co-ax, SWR and all that'. Details from Martin, G3SZJ on 01332 556875. Telford and District Amateur Radio Society has a contest planning evening. Contact Paul, G2RSA on 01952 261923 for more details. Meetings for Thursday the 25th of April: Northampton Radio Club gathers for a talk and display by Eric, G4MZX on restoring vintage radios to working order. More details from Ron, G0TNM on 01295 760640. Salop Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk by the Shrewsbury and District Model Society. Details from 1 Willington Close, Little Harlescott Lane, Shrewsbury SY1 3RH. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND The Scottish Borders Repeater Group holds its Annual General Meeting on Sunday the 28th of April. For details telephone 0131 650 4858 during office hours. Meetings for Monday the 22nd of April: Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society has an Internet training evening. For more information telephone 01624 842786. Radio Amateurs Technical Engineering Club meets for a talk entitled 'The Miller Effect and Neutralising' by Harry, G2HW. Further details from Don, G4SFU on 0161 485 3912. South Normanton and District Amateur Radio Club has a junk sale. For details telephone 01773 863892. Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society pays a visit to the 'Illuminations Department'. Telephone 01253 853554 for details. Meetings for Tuesday the 23rd of April: Bury Radio Society gathers for a talk entitled 'Tales from the Seven Seas part 2' by G0PNL. Telephone 0161 881 1850 for more details. Chester and District Amateur Radio Society gathers for a talk entitled 'Vintage Radio' by John, G3ETH. Telephone 0151 608 3229 for more details. Liverpool and District Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk by G3AVJ entitled 'A Maritime Spark Remembers'. Telephone 0151 722 1178 for more details. Manchester and District Amateur Radio Society has a future programmes forum. Details from Harold, G0VJZ on 0161 338 4412. Wakefield and District Amateur Radio Society has its annual general meeting. Further details from G3WWF on 0113 282 5519. Warrington Amateur Radio Society meets for a talk by George Dobbs, G3RJV on QRP. Contact John, G0RPG on 01925 762722 for more details. Meetings for Wednesday the 24th of April: Mid Cheshire Amateur Radio Society has a pre-Winsford rally team planning session. For details telephone 01606 592207. Stockport Radio Society has a Sea Cadets on-the-air evening. For further details telephone 0161 439 4952. Wirral and District Amateur Radio Club meets to discuss the 'Great Egg Race'. Contact Bob, G4NCI on 0151 606 8989 Meetings for Thursday the 25th of April: Keighley Amateur Radio Society has a junk sale. Further details from Kath, G0RLO on 01274 496222. Tyneside Amateur Radio Society has its Annual General Meeting. For further details contact Jack, G0DZG on 0191 265 1718. York Radio Club has a new components and equipment sale in aid of the RAIBC. Details from Paul Bulmer on 01904 671578. Meetings for Friday the 26th of April: East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club has a rally planning session. More details from Alistair, G4OLK on 01642 475671. South Manchester Radio Club has a direction finding contest. Telephone 0161 969 1964 for details. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND The Scottish Borders Repeater Group holds its Annual General Meeting on Sunday the 28th of April. For details call 0131 650 4858 during office hours. Meeting for Sunday the 21st of April: Central Scotland FM Group has its Annual General Meeting at the Golden Circle Hotel, by Bathgate, West Lothian. There'll be a small trade show from 1100 to 1400. Talk-in on S22. More details from GM3AXX on 01560 482720. Meeting for Tuesday the 23rd of April: Dundee Amateur Radio Club has a construction session. For details telephone 01382 739179. Meeting for Wednesday the 24th of April: Lothians Radio Society has a talk on 'Flight Simulation and Scenery Generation' by Angus Skinner and Graham Clark. Those interested should telephone 0131 445 3503. -- GB2RS is prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. Tel +44 1707 659 015 Fax +44 1707 645 105